The price of great success.
Very few people succeed overnight. Some people achieve success in a very short period of time with very little effort. And some people have to work long hours. Some people become discouraged.
I think man just tries. And Allah gives success. God does not waste anyone's hard work. It's too late. But those who work hard. And they do not lose heart. Allah gives them success.
Why do people give examples of great personalities?
Many people give the example of many great personalities to explain their point. Writers write big names to give life to their writing. These personalities have made great sacrifices for success. Examples of great personalities are given to strengthen the arguments for advocating an ideology. But it is worth noting that there are many exemplars and very few. This life and the problems of this life are the same for everyone.
What do wise people do?The wise man draws deep pearls of understanding and wisdom from the experiences and thoughts of others and the common man disappears in the face of life's problems, worries, difficulties, and obstacles.
Raindrops fall everywhere.
They say that raindrops are the same everywhere, but the results are different. If a drop of rain falls into the pond, it becomes part of the pond, if a drop falls from the sea, it becomes the sea. If a drop fell on the barren land, the land would still remain barren. What happens to the rain if the land is barren? If a lucky drop fell on the fertile land, the fields began to sway and the people began to get grain. If a drop of rain falls into the mouth of a snake, it becomes poison, and if a very lucky drop falls into the mouth of an oyster, it becomes a pearl. The rain is the same, the water is the same, but after receiving the rainwater, the happy result is its own destiny.
What are the desires of today's youth?
Every young person today goes for big desires in life and forgets that it is not just a matter of desire but it is said that there are only two parts to the price of great success and both parts have to be paid in advance.
One is intense desire or obsession for success, the other is hard work. Even if one has extreme intelligence, but if one does not have a strong desire to do something, he cannot get anything. Even the world's fastest flying supersonic plane cannot run without fuel. In the same way, the fuel for success is true desire. To keep the blood warm, they have to jump back and forth, then destiny also writes success in their destiny. Those who travel by burning boats, the desire to become something does not allow them to take rest.A man of wisdom.
Once a man came to Socrates and he asked a strange question that you have so much knowledge, people call you "Prophet of Wisdom" and the world is crazy about you. Where did you get all this knowledge, this understanding? Socrates said, "Come with me to the river, for I can take you to the river in answer to this question."
The man and Socrates reached the river. Socrates said, "Look carefully at this water." Here is the answer to your question. The man began to study the water level carefully, but did not understand anything. He said, "I have no answer," said Socrates, "and look carefully, the answer is clear." He moved his eyes closer to the water. At that moment, Socrates grabbed him by the head and drowned him. The man dived a lot and hit many hands and feet but Socrates did not let go of his head. When he was about to die, Socrates shook his head and said, "Do you understand now?"The man shouted that you were about to kill me. Socrates said, "I answered your question." The man said, "You are wrong." You started killing me. Socrates said, "Well, tell me, what was your greatest wish when your head was submerged in water?"He said that I should survive.
Socrates said, "Just as a dying person has only one desire to be saved, so I have every moment a desire to learn more."In return for this intense desire, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are the slaves of my house.So work hard and diligently until success becomes your destiny. Try to make your day better than tomorrow's,.Think and work daily to complete your destination. Work hard, work hard, and just work hard. Only then can you set your own goals for success. If successful. So give thanks to Allah. And keep working to continue your success. There is no point in being successful and being lazy and lazy. Remember one thing cheapness destroys man.
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