Does thinking need change and growth?
Evolution means gradual progress. The first evolution of man is his knowledge.
His thinking needs to change and grow.
What should be done for intellectual evolution? There are three sources:
3 Ways That Will Change Your Thinking.
1. Learn to think regularly.
Give it a try and read a world think tank that teaches thinking.
Be sure to read Edward de Bono in this regard. He explains the simplest ways to think, how to improve your thinking and thinking ability.
2. Read books, read.If your reading is good then you are aware of new information, new things. That means you're getting better. If you do not see the vastness of the universe and the manifestations of the Creator, then your eyes remain small. The heart of the small-sighted is also small. The essence of Allah cannot fit in a small heart. It permeates the heart of the believer and expands so much in the heart of the believer that it brings the remembrance of God to the heart through evolution.
3. Don't miss out on any learning opportunities.
If a carpenter teaches you something good, take it from him. If you find it in confectionery, take it. If you meet a cobbler, take it.Most people in the world do not learn from their failures and there are some lucky people in the world who learn from the failures of others.This world and your life is a book. Knowledge is scattered in it, it is present everywhere. All you have to do is move forward, be thirsty ... Thirst for knowledge And this thirst is to satisfy your demand for knowledge.
How to Find Intellectual Evolution?
The cities of great knowledge came and went. But the students could not reach them. If you don't at least reach the city's intellectuals, then there will be no revolution in the future.
As long as there is no change within the people, their circumstances and events remain the same.Find scholarly conferences here.
Where did any scholarly literary personality come from? Be sure to find out about them. In one country, people lined up to listen to the Nobel laureate in literature. While the problem in Pakistan is that firstly we are ignorant and secondly, we are fighter jets. We have no goodness, no flexibility and so much stubbornness that everyone thinks we are infidels. If our dress is religious and the other is not religious, it will not raise a question in your heart. The question is whether we have forgiven or Allah Almighty ... this is only due to lack of intellectual evolution. If we look at our level of distribution, we are divided into the bottom. We are divided first into Pakistanis, then into provinces, then into castes, then into ideologies, then into politics and then into our siblings and families. If we look at our level of distribution, we are divided into the bottom. We are divided first into Pakistanis, then into provinces, then into castes, then into ideologies, then into politics and then into our siblings and families. Not in touch with anyone. Society is being destroyed by the destruction of the family. People are not seeing each other. The family has lost contact. Parents have stopped taking responsibility. There is only one reason for this. There is no flexibility. Don't go for less than your full potential. Whenever a man is better, he does not feel hatred.The greatest being in the universe is the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
The old woman used to throw whips at the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) every day, but he still forgave her. The children of Taif throw stones. Gabriel (peace be upon him) came and asked him to order the Prophet (peace be upon him) to merge the mountains and eliminate the people of Taif. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: I have forgiven you because I have come as a mercy. These people do not know what I am talking about. The time to come will tell them.
It is understood that this sentence is the sentence of a great man. Just put that sentence in front of you and think about where we stand today. How many people do we hate? Our focus, our inner personality improvement, our oneness, our evolution ... Is left behind. We grow old, but the man inside remains an ignorant child and a dumb man.
What can we do to improve our thinking?
Try to work on your ideas. Be sure to read the new theories on behavior that are emerging in the world, that are being investigated. When you know the times, you expand. Try new things. Try and learn from new places. Learn from new cities. Be the person in question.
The meaning of a hadith is that "half of the knowledge is in question".When you become a person with questions, then knowledge also starts coming towards you. But if you don't have questions, then you can't get better.Keep trying to improve yourself. The abilities that Allah Almighty has gifted you, by which you are to be identified,
If you are better off, you have to complete the evolutionary process to succeed. Then, make sure these things become your slaves. This evolution is so important that the meaning of the hadith is, "Woe to the person whose day is no better than the day before."If you are not getting better the day before, learning something new today, not working on your habits, not correcting your mistakes, then days will pass, weeks will pass, months will become years and years will become years of life. Will be finished and will leave.No one in the world will know that you came and you left. Keep praying to God to show us the right path and to give us the strength to work for the betterment of the world.
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