Why don't people change their personal lives?
I have been in the company of many teachers in my life, from whom I have learned not only knowledge but also the way of life.
In the gatherings of these celebrities, I saw countless people sitting.
There were many people who were very close to him. But in spite of all this, I have not seen these people succeed in their lives.
The question is, why don't people change their personal lives despite having close relationships with great personalities?I pondered this question and tried to find the answer. According to my experience and learned knowledge, there are two main reasons why these people do not change.
The first reason: their old habits do not go away.
Second reason: they do not develop new habits.
I have seen that whenever a person changes, his habits begin to change. He creates new habits. Change is actually the name of changing habits. Either way, we do things because of our habits, which are 90% of our work.
Maulana Rumi says, “Man is bones and flesh, the rest is thought.
And to me, man is bones and flesh and the rest are his habits. The way he eats, the way he drinks, and the way he talks, he does all this based on his habits.
The second type of work is the work that we do not do normally but under some compulsion. Their rate is 10 percent.
After the basic description, a question arises that how do I know if what I am doing is my habit or not?
The answer is that all the work that man does on the basis of habit or compulsion, there are some signs of it; from which we can easily know whether this work is habit or compulsion.
Signs of habitual work.
1. Habit takes very little energy. For example, writing your name with the right-hand means that this work is done quickly and it does not take much energy.
2. They do it unconsciously. They don't need an argument.
3. In them, a person is not alert, but can do anything else. For example, some people take some food while studying.
Signs of forced labor.
1. It takes a lot of energy. For example, writing your name with your left hand, it takes a lot of energy. The result is not the best.
2. All this work is done consciously.
3. Doing so makes a person alert and vigilant.
4. They are based on logic. They have the concept of profit and loss.
A mix of habits:
The results a person has are a mixture of his habits. The knowledge you have today is the result of your learning. The honor you have is the result of your service. If you have peace, it is the result of sharing. The successful person is the one on whom Allah reveals his inner self. If a person knows what qualifications I have and polishes it, then what is greater than this? One of the best human habits is sharing. Whoever distributes with good intentions, my experience is that he gets rewarded before the sunsets. It is not necessary that you get the same thing that you have shared, but maybe you get some of the best alternatives to it or if you think about it on that day, then something must have happened which will result in you in the next life. Nothing in a person's life is useless, but in the future, it will definitely have some results.
Habits that cause harm to a person:
Bad language does not remain the friend of man. The enemy of man who speaks everything on his face is more.
If a person wants to know more, he will not have knowledge. Such a person is always killed due to his ignorance. Arrogance, whatever profession a person belongs to, if he is arrogant, he is deprived of the grace of Allah. Spying on things, people will start to get away from you because of this habit. Spying means that a person can interfere even in a place where he has no work. Remember! The stench or fragrance of the habits that a person adopts keeps coming out of it.
As human thoughts become, their effects on it will also begin to appear.
Practical work: From today, you have to decide which habits you want to get out of yourself. The easiest way to get rid of them is to associate some trouble with this habit. Make it difficult to access it. Make your environment conditional. Scholars say that if you want to become a big man, just take the habits of "adults" and secretly include them in your life, you will also become "big".
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