Not every confused person in the world, despite having the best mind, can give the best results.
The mind needs clarity, vision, and one agenda to work.
All the famous and successful people in the world who passed away had given their minds to the mind.
He had a clear and definite goal in front of him, thanks to which he gradually became closer to his destination
Man can take a task from his subconscious only when he gives it a clear purpose, then even if the whole world says that this work is not right, it is pointless, etc., etc., but this person has nothing to do with these things. Yes, he is committed to his goal.
You should know that a person's "mind" does not have a "mind". He has to give a mind, only then it works and if it is left open then man is misguided or confused. Can be a victim
As a young man approached a counselor to plan my career. He asked, "What do you want to be?" He replied: "Sir, I want to become an engineer." He said: "All right, become." The young man said: "No sir! Mother says to become a doctor. ”He said again:“ All right then become that. ”The young man said again:“ No sir! Grandpa's dream was for me to become a pilot. ”When the councilor said,“ OK, then become a pilot, ”he said:“ No sir! The plane flies very fast, my heart is very nervous. "
It shows that most of our young people do not have a purpose in life and they are confused.
1) One agenda
Man succeeds by practicing and when he becomes perfect in a field, all the perfect people in that field become his friends, while our tragedy is that we are incomplete in every field. The first way to achieve any goal is to give your mind a goal, then whatever happens in the outside world, your mind will be focused on your work.
The problem arises when education is saying something, father is saying something and today's youth has not identified himself, then he is wandering. There is also a voice coming from inside that what you are doing is right. No, but he has silenced the inner voice. He follows the trend and tradition and then the result is that he is no longer worthy.
Of course, a man should adopt a proper lifestyle but keep his determination high. There is no harm in walking on earth, just look at the sky. Then there is unity with purpose, but the prayer of a person is always changing. Then what will it be like? The world of confusion is that we are praying for becoming an engineer at some point. After a while to become a doctor, after a while to get a job, then to get married. We have full confidence in the mercy of our Lord and it is certain that He loves us as much as seventy mothers, but when the man is not in a constant mood, then the matter with him will be based on his own behavior.
Remember! The effect of man's prayers comes only when he has consistency and devotion. The universe responds to man when he has One Thing. The verse of Surah An-Najm in the Qur'an says that man gets the same thing. That is what he strives for
"Put yourself in one job."
And such a person reaches a certain place. This also proves that he who is a Muslim will be hardworking and responsible.

2) Talking to yourself:
We can also call it indoctrination. Every human being is doing something to himself all the time and these things are going on in the human mind. Emerson's sentence is that
"Man becomes what he thinks all day long."
As man understands himself and gives his mind a clear round, he begins to move towards it. What man consciously and unconsciously speaks to himself is very important. About this Tony Robbins Says that
"The more quality you talk to yourself, the more quality the future awaits you."
Now every human being should think about what the self-talk I do to myself is like and whether it has good thoughts or not. Most of our thoughts are empty of "good thoughts". Man always has such thoughts and self-talk. Should do so to further strengthen his resolve, such as the idea that
''I can.''
Anyone who has this self-talk will not be frightened by any difficult task. Similarly, the second idea is "time is running out". That is, the feeling of time running out, whoever has this feeling, never wastes his time.

(3) Fuel of subconscious: emotions
Every machine needs fuel to run it, just as consciousness needs fuel to run under it and its fuel is emotions. Man can do only what he thinks emotionally. Whenever a man mixes his goals with emotions, his subconscious begins to work.
(4) Imagination:
Imagination means thinking about the goals of human beings as if they have already happened in life. If that event continues in the world of human imagination, then one day it will definitely happen.
This was regularly researched in the United States and boxed players were blindfolded and practiced. He saw that the better the mental training of the people, the more successful they were than the athletes with physical fitness.
(5) Law of attraction:
Every human being who lives according to this law is happy in his life and can achieve his desire and goal.
Additional Reading
Excellent read !!!
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