Human is the most intelligent creature in the universe.

"True empathy is not only to make you feel the pain of others, but also to take steps to alleviate that pain!"
(Daniel Goleman)
There is no doubt that man is the most intelligent creature in the universe. There has been a lot of research on human intelligence in the world. Today we know more about human intelligence than history. We have already mentioned emotional intelligence and now we want to tell you about human social intelligence.
As much research has been done on human temperament, hardly anything else has been done. Today, thanks to these researches, we know that there are many types of genius or intelligent and one of them is "social intelligence". People who have this intelligence know how to communicate with others, how to get up and sit down, and how they progress. People who can't communicate, who can't understand themselves, have less social intelligence. They don't even make much progress.
Social intelligence and your career.
People who are more involved in society than other people have more social intelligence. People who work at the same desk in the office, who work at the computer all the time, look at files, or who quietly do their work have less intelligence. Usually, it is already present in a person at some level, but in some people it increases and emerges with time and circumstances.
''Your level of social intelligence''
People who are confined within their caste have less social intelligence, so it is difficult for them to socialize, communicate effectively and build relationships. Social intelligence is also closely linked to career success. So a career that requires more social intelligence, and you have less social intelligence, reduces your chances of success in that career. For example, if a young person wants to be a trainer and lacks social intelligence, it will be difficult for him to become a trainer, because the trainer's job is to meet and talk to people. The qualities that a good trainer needs are social intelligence. All these qualities are symbols of social genius. In which these symptoms are not found, he can not go much further in training.
There are countless people who have never had a chance to show their social intelligence. So as soon as they get a chance to express their social intelligence, they start showing their essence. When a person looks at the people around him and feels that they know how to talk and are good at communicating, then he also starts subconsciously adopting their attitudes. This intelligence also begins to emerge in him.
Essential attributes of leaders
Some people have the ability to change themselves very quickly. They start leading, they form unions in a factory, they get involved in politics. The social intelligence of such people first falls asleep and when they wake up, its effects begin to appear. These people do not have the answer to setting up an organization or starting a movement with others. Business people generally have an abundance of social intelligence.

People involved in the legal profession are very socially intelligent. Teachers have a social genius. People who are involved in sales are also very social geniuses. People who know how to run their own business are more likely to be socially intelligent. Basically, social intelligence is a virtue of leadership. Acquiring this intelligence is very important for those who want to lead.

There are very successful, average, and unsuccessful people in every field. There is a lot of social intelligence in all the great leaders of the world. Read Martin Luther King, Jr. or read the life of another leader in history, you will see that he could speak, he could explain. The bigger the leader, the higher his level of social intelligence. The people in the family without whom decisions are not made, with whom everyone is happy to walk, with whom everyone has a yes, they are social geniuses. There are some people in society who are capable of resolving conflicts in a jiffy. Such people are also socially intelligent.
Social intelligence is something to learn.
how to achieve success in society.
We should all learn social intelligence, because that is the basic human intelligence. Well, known author, Dale Carnegie has done a lot of work in this area. Her books are available in the market. Read the many books and courses on social intelligence that have been written to suit the mood and needs of the 21st century. Reading these books and attending courses is very useful to increase your social intelligence. These books show how to achieve success in society, how to improve the situation, how to maintain the relationship. It takes people to get the job done, how to get that support.
Social intelligence can be learned,
Social intelligence can be learned, it can be created and it can be improved. However, first of all, understand how important it is for you to acquire social intelligence in order to live with human beings in this world. When the benefits of an item are available, it is easier and more enjoyable to work on it, spend time and invest money and energy.
==================''Additional Reading''
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