Banana is a fruit found in all seasons. Eating it daily is very beneficial for health.
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world and according to the United Nations, the world consumes an average of 18 million tons of bananas every year.
The fruit is rich in potassium and pristine (a type of fiber) and also provides the body with magnesium, vitamin C and B6.
And the best part is that almost everyone likes to eat it and it is eaten at any time.
Fruits full of very important ingredients
As mentioned above, banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world, the color, size, and texture of which can vary in most parts of the world.
But the most common type is Cavendish which you find common in the market, which is yellow but when raw it turns green.
Bananas contain adequate amounts of fiber, as well as a number of antioxidants, which make up 9% of the body's daily requirement of potassium and 33% of the daily requirement of vitamin B6. 11% of the daily requirement of vitamin C, 8% of the daily requirement of magnesium, 10% of the daily requirement of copper, 14% of the daily requirement of manganese, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 3.1 grams of fiber, 1.3 grams of protein and 0.4 grams of fat.
A banana usually has 105 calories, most of which are water and carbohydrates.

Help keep blood sugar moderate
Bananas are high in pectin, a type of fiber that gives the pulp a sponge-like texture.
Raw nails contain starch which acts as a soluble fiber, pectin, and this starch can help keep blood sugar levels moderate after eating.
Nails were also placed in the Glycemic Index or GI (a list of 0 to 100 indications of a rapid rise in blood sugar levels from a diet).
Raw nails are rated 30 while ripe fruits are rated 0 and the average value of all nails is 51.
In simple words, nails do not raise blood sugar levels very fast in healthy people, however, it cannot be applied to patients with type 2 diabetes and they should avoid eating too much ripe bananas while monitoring blood sugar. Should do.
Improve the digestive system
Dietary fiber is a very beneficial ingredient for health, including improving the digestive system.
A medium-sized banana contains 3 grams of fiber, making it a good source of fiber.
Nails have two types of fibers in the form of pectin and resistant starch, however, starch type is found in raw nails.
This type of fiber reaches the large intestine and is a food for the healthy bacteria in the stomach.
Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness
No medical study has directly tested the relationship between nails and body weight loss, but the fruit has a number of properties that make it one of the bodyweight loss foods.
For example, it is very low in calories, meaning that a banana has an average of just over a hundred calories, while the nutrients are very high.
Eating more fiber than fruits and vegetables is also thought to help reduce body weight.
Similarly, the fiber in raw nails keeps the stomach full longer and can help reduce appetite.
Also useful for heart health
Potassium is a food ingredient that is essential for good heart health, especially to control blood pressure.
However, many people are able to get adequate amounts of potassium from their diet, which is why bananas are the best source of it, as noted above, how much of this component powerful
Nails contain a variety of antioxidants, including dopamine and catechins, which provide a number of health benefits, such as a gradual reduction in the risk of heart disease.
Helps to keep the stomach full for a long time
The starch in the nails acts like a soluble fiber which is usually found in large quantities in raw nails.
In contrast, ripe nails have a lower amount of fiber, but are still good for the body.
Both types of fiber have the power to reduce appetite, while the feeling of fullness after a meal lasts longer. is obtained from a banana.
A diet rich in potassium helps keep blood pressure levels low, while people who consume more potassium have a 27% lower risk of heart disease than others.
Nails also contain adequate amounts of magnesium and this nutrient is also very important for heart health.
Possible improvement in insulin sensitivity
Insulin resistance is a major factor in increasing the risk of many serious diseases, including diabetes.
According to several research reports, daily intake of 15 to 30 grams of resistant starch can improve insulin sensitivity by 33 to 50% in 4 weeks.
As mentioned above, raw nails are high in it and can help improve insulin sensitivity.
More research is needed because medical experts have not yet fully understood the cause of these effects.
Keep the kidneys healthy
Potassium is not only an important ingredient in controlling blood pressure but it also helps in healthy kidney function.
As a good source of potassium, bananas can also be helpful in keeping the kidneys healthy.
A 13-year study of women found that eating bananas two to three times a week reduced the risk of kidney disease by 33%.
According to other research reports, eating this fruit 4 to 6 times a week can reduce the risk of kidney disease by about 50%.
Also useful for exercise
Nails are often considered the ideal food for athletes because of the nutrients they contain and the easily digestible carbohydrates.
Eating this fruit can help reduce muscle spasms and swelling caused by exercise.
''Additional Reading''
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