It is said that at the time of the fall of the Christians, two pastors were arguing about how many teeth a horse has in its mouth in the light of the Bible. One count was saying something and the other counting was saying something else. A passerby asked him why the Bible was needed in this matter. Why don't you open the horse's mouth and count its teeth?(This joke is in the name of intellectuals who seem to be debating what kind of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam wanted, secular or Islamic?
Runaway The robbers are coming.
A man was going somewhere with a load on his donkeys when he saw robbers coming from afar. He shouted run away The robbers are coming. The donkeys said, "Why should we run away?" So run ...! We have to bear the burden, be it yours or someone else's. (This paragraph from Ibn Ansha's writing is, in my opinion, for those politicians who invite the people to take to the streets for their own interests while there are people who do not listen to their appeal).
The water flow has increased a lot.
A village was flooded, a government official reached the village and addressing the people said that the flow of water has increased a lot, the water has risen 2 feet above the danger mark. People were scared and said what will happen now? The officer said there was no need to panic. We have made arrangements. The danger mark has been raised from two feet to four feet. (This joke is in the name of economic policymakers who create jobs instead of eliminating the causes of inflation.)
According to the world's economists, such sentiments speak of programs or salary increases
Measures only increase inflation and so on
Does not happen)
Our cat has given birth to four children, all of them communists.
A child in Poland told his class teacher that our cat has given birth to four children, all of whom are communists. The teacher applauded. A week later, when the school inspector came for inspection, the teacher told the child to talk about the cat again. The child said that our cat has given birth to four children, all of whom are democrats. The teacher said confusedly, "You didn't talk like that a week ago. The child said yes, but now the kittens' eyes are open." (The names of the officials of the political parties who change parties and move to another party bring out bugs in the previous party as if their eyes are open as soon as the party changes.)
Stupid woman! You do not know arithmetic at all.
An urban woman was teaching arithmetic to women in the village. He asked a woman, "If you have fifty rupees, give twenty rupees to your husband, how many rupees will you have left?" The woman replied, "Nothing." The woman scolded the village woman. Stupid woman! You do not know arithmetic at all. The village woman replied. You don't even know my husband "Shiro". He will take all the money from me.
(This joke is in the name of experts who are ignorant of the facts on the ground when making policies.)
If I have a buffalo in front of me, I will not put the fodder of all the buffaloes in front of it.

A Muslim scholar reached a village. He was fond of preaching. He prepared the Friday sermon in a whole week, but the power of nature was such that only one worshiper came to the mosque on Friday. The scholar did not know what to do. He said to the man, "You are the only person who has come to the mosque." Tell me what should I do The man said. Mr. Scholar! I am a village man. All I know is that if I arrive with fodder for the buffaloes and there is only one buffalo, I will give it to the fodder. Scholars were very happy. He also gave a wide speech. He then asked the villager, "Tell me, what was the sermon like?" The villager took a long nap and said. Mr. Scholar! I am a villager, all I know is that if I had a buffalo in front of me, I would not put all the buffalo fodder in front of it.
(Names of curriculum developers.)
(Names of conscious people living in Pakistan who are fooled in various ways.)

A woman collecting antiques noticed that a man was feeding a cat on the counter of his shop. The woman thought that perhaps the man was unaware of the value of the bowl. The woman said, acting very cleverly on her own. Sir! Would you like to sell this cat? So the man said. This is my pet cat, but if you still like it, buy it for fifty dollars.
The woman immediately took out fifty dollars and gave it to the man and bought a cat, but as she was leaving she told the shopkeeper. I don't think this cup is of any use to you anymore. Please give it to me too. I will feed the cat in this bowl. The shopkeeper said. Woman! I can't give you this cup, because I have sold 300 cats so far by showing this cup. (Names of conscious people living in Pakistan who are fooled in various ways.)
This is actually someone else's story, yours and mine. ۔
Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation
Our rulers, policymakers and religious leaders should not come
They don't want to see, hear and understand anything openly
Because for them, it's just fun and peace
There is peace. ۔ ۔ ... And the people are like the poor
The name of completing the month is peace, understanding peace
Sit, and if you have worked hard all your life, five, seven
Marla's house was built, so consider it a great favor of the Lord
Sitting ۔ ۔ ۔
The characters identified in the brackets of this article can be modified if the reader wishes to do so, but not all rights reserved.
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